> We are at the end of the process of designing and purchasing storage to 
> provide Ceph based backend for VM images, VM boot (ephemeral) disks, 
> persistent volumes (and possibly object storage) for our future Openstack 
> cloud.
>  We considered many options and we chose to prefer commodity storage server 
> vendors over ‘brand vendors’. There are 3 (+1 extra) types of storage server 
> options we consider at the moment:
Just some general recommendations:
* Make sure the hardware matches the expected workload:
E.G. running a database or mailserver with continuous IO is totally different 
from a webserver which only does a few reads when it boots.
Having lots space but slow spinning big disks (4TB) might not be the best 
solution for all scenarios

* BIG nodes have big impact when they fail:
Rebalancing because of a lost node with 120TB of storage will take a LOT of 
In general I would prefer more smaller nodes then a few big ones because of 


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