On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Sage Weil <sw...@redhat.com> wrote:
> [adding ceph-devel]
>> > Is there a way to know if those blueprints are implemented, or in active
>> > developpement ? In case of postponed blueprints, is there a way to promote
>> > them again, to get consideration for hammer ?
> Hmm, Patrick, I think what we've done in the past is to move the
> still-useful blueprints to the sideboard?  You probably already asked me
> to do that... :)

Yeah, I have been pretty remiss in keeping up on the wiki development
with the revamp stuff coming down the line.  I'm sure there is plenty
of cleanup from Giant, G/H, and a few of the earlier ones still.

Anyone that wants to take a pass and move incomplete blueprints out to
the holding area would be officially awesome in my book. :)
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