Hi All,

I am evaluating Ceph for one of our product requirements.

I have gone through the website, http://ceph.com/docs/master/start/

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and am done with most of the steps.

Finally, I am struck on Creating File System. From the website,

The ceph fs new command was introduced in Ceph 0.84. Prior to this release, no 
manual steps are required to create a filesystem, and pools named data and 
metadata exist by default.

Even though, I did update from ceph-deploy and directly from ceph,

ceph -v

ceph version 0.80.7 (6c0127fcb58008793d3c8b62d925bc91963672a3)

I am not able to upgrade/update to .84. Everytime, it says, you are already at 
the latest version, so I am not able to deploy File System.

Any help, is highly appreciated.



Shashiraj Jeripotula(Raj)
Systems Engineering, Internet Software and Technology Group | Verizon Corporate 

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