It looks to me like you need to supply it the *ids* of the pools not their names.

So do:

$ ceph osd dump # (or lspools)

note down the ids of the pools you want to use (suppose I have cephfs_data 10 and cepfs_metadata 12):

$ ceph mds newfs 10 12  --yes-i-really-mean-it

On 26/11/14 11:30, Jeripotula, Shashiraj wrote:

sysenguser@blade3:~$ *ceph mds newfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data*

Invalid command:  cephfs_metadata doesn't represent an int

mds newfs <int[0-]> <int[0-]> {--yes-i-really-mean-it} :  make new
filesystom using pools <metadata> and <data>

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