I am building Ceph Debian Packages off of the 0.80.9 (latest firefly) and on 
top of that I am applying an optimization patch.
I am following the standard instructions from the README file and effectively 
running commands in this order:

                $ ./autogen.sh
                $ ./configure
                $ make
$ dpkg-buildpackage

This builds deb packages for me with 0.80.9-1 , which is what I want.
However when I install this build, I end up with Ceph binaries, that were in 
the 0.80.9 build that came off of the Ubuntu repo.
Also the Ceph -version command shows 0.80.9 ( I would expect it to show 

Do I have to change some versioning files, or do some other steps in order for 
the debian packages to work properly.

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