We are using Hammer - latest released version. How do I check if it's
getting promoted into the cache?

We're using the latest ceph kernel client. Where do I poke at readahead
settings there?

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Gregory Farnum <gfar...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 11:58 PM, Kyle Hutson <kylehut...@ksu.edu> wrote:
> > I was wondering if anybody could give me some insight as to how CephFS
> does
> > its caching - read-caching in particular.
> >
> > We are using CephFS with an EC pool on the backend with a replicated
> cache
> > pool in front of it. We're seeing some very slow read times. Trying to
> > compute an md5sum on a 15GB file twice in a row (so it should be in
> cache)
> > takes the time from 23 minutes down to 17 minutes, but this is over a
> 10Gbps
> > network and with a crap-ton of OSDs (over 300), so I would expect it to
> be
> > down in the 2-3 minute range.
> A single sequential read won't necessarily promote an object into the
> cache pool (although if you're using Hammer I think it will), so you
> want to check if it's actually getting promoted into the cache before
> assuming that's happened.
> >
> > I'm just trying to figure out what we can do to increase the
> performance. I
> > have over 300 TB of live data that I have to be careful with, though, so
> I
> > have to have some level of caution.
> >
> > Is there some other caching we can do (client-side or server-side) that
> > might give us a decent performance boost?
> Which client are you using for this testing? Have you looked at the
> readahead settings? That's usually the big one; if you're only asking
> for 4KB at once then stuff is going to be slow no matter what (a
> single IO takes at minimum about 2 milliseconds right now, although
> the RADOS team is working to improve that).
> -Greg
> >
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