Hi Nicole,

I can help, I have been working on my own openstack connected to ceph - can you 
send over the config in your /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file - especially the rbd 
relevant section starting with:

volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver

Also, make sure your rbd_secret_uuid matches the client volume secret you 


Marko Sluga

Independent Trainer

W: http://markocloud.com

T: +1 (647) 546-4365

L + M Consulting Inc.

Ste 212, 2121 Lake Shore Blvd W

M8E 4E9, Etobicoke, ON

---- On Mon, 19 Jun 2017 17:25:59 -0400 T. Nichole Williams 
<tribe...@tribecc.us> wrote ----


I’m having trouble connecting Ceph to OpenStack Cinder following the guide in 
docs.ceph.com & I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I’ve confirmed auth 
connectivity for both root & ceph users on my openstack controller node, 
but the RBDDriver is not initializing. I’ve dug through every related Google 
article I can find with no results. Any one have any tips?

Here’s output of a few sample errors, auth list from controller, & 
cinder-manage config list. Please let me know if you need any further info from 
my side.


T. Nichole Williams



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