19. Juli 2017 17:34, "LOPEZ Jean-Charles" <jelo...@redhat.com> schrieb:

> Hi,
> you must add the extra pools to your current file system configuration: ceph 
> fs add_data_pool
> {fs_name} {pool_name}
> Once this is done, you just have to create some specific directory layout 
> within CephFS to modify
> the name of the pool targetted by a specific directory. See
> http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/file-layouts
> Just set the ceph.dir.layout.pool attribute to the appropriate Pool ID of the 
> new pool.
> Regards
> JC
>> On Jul 19, 2017, at 07:59, c.mo...@web.de wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I want to organize data in pools and therefore created additional pools:
>> ceph osd lspools
>> 0 rbd,1 templates,2 hdb-backup,3 cephfs_data,4 cephfs_metadata,
>> As you can see, pools "cephfs_data" and "cephfs_metadata" belong to a Ceph 
>> filesystem.
>> Question:
>> How can I write data to other pools, e.g. hdb-backup?
>> THX
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Hello JC,

thanks for your reply.

I'm not sure why I should add pools to a current file system configuration.
Therefore it could be helpful to explain my use case.

The Ceph Storage Cluster should provide storage for database backups.
For security reasons I consider to create one pool per database identified by 
an unique id (e.g. ABC).
And for each pool only a dedicated user (+ ceph admin) can access (read / 
write) the data in the related pool;
this user is unique for each database (e.g. abcadm).

The first question is:
Do I need to create two RADOS pools as documented in guide 'Create a Ceph 
filesystem' (http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/cephfs/createfs/) for each 
database id:
"A Ceph filesystem requires at least two RADOS pools, one for data and one for 
If yes, this would mean to create the following pools:
$ ceph osd pool create abc_data <pg_num>
$ ceph osd pool create abc_metadata <pg_num>
$ ceph osd pool create xyz_data <pg_num>
$ ceph osd pool create xyz_metadata <pg_num>

Or should I create only one "File System Pool" (= cephfs_data and 
cephfs_metadata) and add all database pools to this file system?
In that case, how can I ensure that admin "abcadm" cannot modify files 
belonging to database XYZ?

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