Hi Wido,

When you run `radosgw-admin gc list`, I assume you are *not* using the
"--include-all" flag, right? If you're not using that flag, then
everything listed should be expired and be ready for clean-up. If after
running `radosgw-admin gc process` the same entries appear in
`radosgw-admin gc list` then gc apparently stalled.

There were a few bugs within gc processing that could prevent it from
making forward progress. They were resolved with a PR (master:
https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/26601 ; mimic backport:
https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/27796). Unfortunately that code was
backported after the 13.2.5 release, but it is in place for the 13.2.6
release of mimic.


On 5/29/19 3:19 AM, Wido den Hollander wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a Ceph cluster with this status:
>     health: HEALTH_WARN
>             3 large omap objects
> After looking into it I see that the issue comes from objects in the
> '.rgw.gc' pool.
> Investigating it I found that the gc.* objects have a lot of OMAP keys:
> for OBJ in $(rados -p .rgw.gc ls); do
>   echo $OBJ
>   rados -p .rgw.gc listomapkeys $OBJ|wc -l
> done
> I then found out that on average these objects have about 100k of OMAP
> keys each, but two stand out and have about 3M OMAP keys.
> I can list the GC with 'radosgw-admin gc list' and this yields a JSON
> which is a couple of MB in size.
> I ran:
> $ radosgw-admin gc process
> That runs for hours and then finishes, but the large list of OMAP keys
> stays.
> Running Mimic 13.3.5 on this cluster.
> Has anybody seen this before?
> Wido
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