Hi Jonathan
On Mar 29, 2015, at 08:17 , Jonathan Morton <chromati...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> On 29 Mar, 2015, at 04:14, Sebastian Moeller <moell...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> I do not think my measurements show that ingress handling via IFB is that 
>> costly (< 5% bandwidth), that avoiding it will help much.
>> Also the current diffserv implementation also costs around 5% bandwidth.
> That’s useful information.  I may be able to calibrate that against similar 
> tests on other hardware.
> But presumably, if you remove the ingress shaping completely, it can then 
> handle full line rate downstream?  What’s the comparable overhead figure for 
> that?  

Without further ado:

moeller@happy-horse:~/CODE/CeroWrtScripts> ./betterspeedtest.sh -6 -H 
netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -t 150 -p netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -n 4 ; 
./netperfrunner.sh -6 -H netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -t 150 -p 
netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -n 4 ; ./betterspeedtest.sh -4 -H 
netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -t 150 -p netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -n 4 ; 
./netperfrunner.sh -4 -H netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -t 150 -p 
netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net -n 4
2015-03-29 09:49:00 Testing against netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (ipv6) with 4 
simultaneous sessions while pinging netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (150 seconds in 
each direction)
 Download:  91.68 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 150 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 39.600 
    10pct: 44.300 
   Median: 52.800 
      Avg: 53.230 
    90pct: 60.400 
      Max: 98.700
   Upload:  34.72 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 151 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 39.400 
    10pct: 39.700 
   Median: 40.200 
      Avg: 44.311 
    90pct: 43.600 
      Max: 103.000
2015-03-29 09:54:01 Testing netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (ipv6) with 4 streams 
down and up while pinging netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net. Takes about 150 seconds.
 Download:  91.03 Mbps
   Upload:  8.79 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 151 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 40.200 
    10pct: 45.900 
   Median: 53.100 
      Avg: 53.019 
    90pct: 59.900 
      Max: 80.100
2015-03-29 09:56:32 Testing against netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (ipv4) with 4 
simultaneous sessions while pinging netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (150 seconds in 
each direction)
 Download:  93.48 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 150 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 51.900 
    10pct: 56.600 
   Median: 60.800 
      Avg: 62.473 
    90pct: 69.800 
      Max: 87.900
   Upload:  35.23 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 151 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 51.900 
    10pct: 52.200 
   Median: 52.600 
      Avg: 65.873 
    90pct: 108.000 
      Max: 116.000
2015-03-29 10:01:33 Testing netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net (ipv4) with 4 streams 
down and up while pinging netperf-eu.bufferbloat.net. Takes about 150 seconds.
 Download:  93.2 Mbps
   Upload:  5.69 Mbps
  Latency: (in msec, 152 pings, 0.00% packet loss)
      Min: 51.900 
    10pct: 56.100 
   Median: 60.400 
      Avg: 61.568 
    90pct: 67.200 
      Max: 93.100

Note that I shaped the connection at upstream 95p%: 35844 of 37730 Kbps and 
downstream at 90%: 98407 of 109341 Kbps; the line has 16bytes per packet 
overlay and uses pppoe so the MTU is 2492 and the packet size itself is 1500 + 
14 + 16 = 1530 (I am also not sure whether the 4 byte ethernet frame check 
sequence is transmitted and needs accounting for, so I just left it out), so 
with TCP over IPv4 adding 40 bytes overhead, and TCP over IPv6 adding 60 bytes.

So without SQM I expect:
Upstream:       (((1500 - 8 - 40 -20) * 8) * (37730 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 35313.3 Kbps; measured: 35.23 Mbps
Downstream:     (((1500 - 8 - 40 -20) * 8) * (109341 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 
16) * 8)) / 1000 = 102337.5 Kbps; measured: 91.68 Mbps (but this is known to be 
too optimistic, as DTAG currently subtracts ~7% for G.INP error correction at 
the BRAS level)

Upstream:       (((1500 - 8 - 20 -20) * 8) * (37730 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 35806.5  Kbps; measured: 35.23 Mbps
Downstream:     (((1500 - 8 - 20 -20) * 8) * (109341 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 
16) * 8)) / 1000 = 103766.8 Kbps; measured: 91.68 (but this is known to be too 
optimistic, as DTAG currently subtracts ~7% for G.INP error correction at the 
BRAS level)

So the upstream throughput comes pretty close, but downstream is off, but do to 
the unknown G.INP “reservation”/BRAS throttle I do not have a good expectation 
what this value should be.

And with SQM I expect:
IPv6 (simplest.qos): 
Upstream:       (((1500 - 8 - 40 -20) * 8) * (35844 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 33548.1 Kbps; measured: 32.73 Mbps (dual egress); 32.86 Mbps 
(IFB ingress)
Downstream:     (((1500 - 8 - 40 -20) * 8) * (98407 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 92103.8 Kbps; measured: 85.35 Mbps (dual egress); 82.76 Mbps 
(IFB ingress)

IPv4 (simplest.qos):
Upstream:       (((1500 - 8 - 20 -20) * 8) * (35844 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 34016.7 Kbps; measured: 33.45 Mbps (dual egress); 33.45 Mbps 
(IFB ingress)
Downstream:     (((1500 - 8 - 20 -20) * 8) * (98407 * 1000) / ((1500 + 14 + 16) 
* 8)) / 1000 = 93390.2 Kbps; measured: 86.52 Mbps (dual egress); 84.06 Mbps 
(IFB ingress)

So with our shaper, we stay a bit short of the theoretical values, but the link 
was not totally quiet so I expect some loads compared o the theoretical values.

> You see, if we were to use a policer instead of ingress shaping, we’d not 
> only be getting IFB and ingress Diffserv mangling out of the way, but HTB as 
> well.

        But we still would run HTB for egress I assume, and the current results 
with policers Dave hinted at do not seem like good candidates for replacing 

Best Regards

> - Jonathan Morton

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