Those are some great wishes for CF!! Some sound like they could be fixed in the next 
version... so I forwarded it
to the Allaire wishlist for CF.
- Michael Smith, TeraTech, Inc http://www.teratech.com/

Daniel Dewey wrote:

> Gary --
>   This isn't directed at you, just at the all CF evangelists out there.  My
> philosophy is 'use the best tool out there', and lately I've found that it
> hasn't been CF.
> I'm sure to be flamed for this, but Cold Fusion is not the panacea that
> everyone claims it to be!  Don't get me wrong, it's an incredible RAD
> tool... but sometimes a solution can't (and shouldn't) be written in CF.
> Someone once called CF 'the glue that binds websites together' or something
> like that.  My websites are written in CF/ASP/PHP, with a dash of COM.  I
> should probably swap CF for JSP... but I'd hate to learn yet ANOTHER
> scripting language.  Please bear in mind that I'm the site programmer (code
> and databases)... not the graphics designer.
> My BIFFs with CF
> * can't set cookies and use CFLOCATION at the same time
> * can't remove/delete cookies that are mixed case (sometimes set by other
> programs on your website)
> * can't talk to COM objects that expect the ASP object model
> * can't provide unbuffered output
> * can't easily extend the CFFORM functionality
> We use lyris for our e-mail based mailing lists (very popular), and as
> 'easy' as it is to use, we still have people who find its interface
> confusing... so I wrote an even SIMPLER interface.  Guess what... I had to
> be done in ASP, because the COM object that talks with LYRIS expects the ASP
> COM model (yes, I could have written a wrapper.. but why?)
> We protect our site with SiteServer M&P, because most of the content is not
> CF based (HTML, PDF) to reduce server load (100,000 page views a day without
> clustering).  I had to write a custom COM component to talk with the M&P
> LDAP Server, because CF's LDAP doesn't transmit GUIDs properly.  That
> coupled with the fact that CF can't manage mixed case cookies... *sigh*
> I had written a banner tool, which referenced banners as <img
> src=/banner.cfm?id=333>.  The CFCONTENT tag didn't react well under high
> load conditions, often resulting in broken links.  Amazing, but PHP doesn't
> suffer from that problem... and can (re)write graphics files on the fly!
> The guys at UIE tips have proven that quick response from a website is
> important... sometimes more important that how easy the site is to navigate.
> An ASP/PHP page can take 30 seconds load, but appear to load much more
> quickly, because the page output is sent while the page is being generated.
> A CF page is only transmitted AFTER the CF script has finished executing.
> Take a look at all the major search engines... they use unbuffered output...
> and for good reason!
> Ok, that was my $0.02.. thanks for listening!
> ---
> Daniel Dewey                |"According to the rule of averages, if you
> Systems Developer           | stand with one foot in a bucket of ice,
> MCP (NT srvr/wkstn/eprise)  | and the other in a bed of hot coals, you
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]          | should be feeling fine" -- Unknown
> http://www.pobox.com/~dewey |                 610-868-1421, x115
>            The National Association of Colleges and Employers
>      These opinions are mine, and may not be the same as my employer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guy J. McDowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 9:53 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: HR and IT
> Alright, I'm getting a little frustrated with Human Resources type in
> the IT field. Is there any one way to please the majority of these
> folks?
> I see some things that to me are strange.
> "Wanted ColdFusion/ASP developer"
> Why? Why would you need a person to do both? If you are using
> ColdFusion what do you need ASP for? (This is a rhetorical question. I
> have heard all the responses and not one was really valid.)
> "Junior CF Developer - Must have B.Sc. 3 years CF experience yadda
> yadda"
> What's junior about this? This is like saying "Triple A baseball
> pitcher needed, must throw like Randy Johnson and have had 3 years in
> the majors."
> HR - "So what's your minimum required salary?"
> Me - "Well about $X."
> HR - "That's too low, I don't think you're experienced enough for the
> position."
> What the heck? Just because I don't over inflate my worth means I
> don't know how to do the job? What's up with that?
> Next time I'm asking for a hundred grand just to see my resume...then
> they will think I am the master right away.
> Just rambling and griping in good fun...
> Guy
> www.guymcdowell.com
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