BTW There is a version up at ColdCuts
from Matt Liota too. :-)

I have an article on web bugs and email sniffing that I wrote with Eron Cohen that is 
coming out in CFDJ in a few
months. So if any one else has some tips on web bugs let me know. Thanks!
- Michael Smith, TeraTech, Inc

Erika L Walker wrote:

> Oh WOW. *** Dancing around room with absolute glee.... ***
> If you were here, I'd kiss your feet! If I ever get to meet you, I'll, I'll,
> I'll kiss your feet!
> *** More dancing, singing, deciding to take rest of week off to celebrate
> ***
> I have to try this of course, make sure I fully understand how to implement,
> but, wow.
> ** Calming down now... ****
> How come this isn't documented anywhere? Seems like something that should
> have come up somewhere, yet, I couldn't find anything about it on the
> web......
> May I pass this to the other boards as well to wrap up the topic?
> Again, my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for sharing your knowledge!
> Erika
> "The reward of a thing well done is to have done it." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 2:29 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Sniffing Email... (example code)
> > I figured that subject might grab someone's attention.....
> > (I've posted this to every list for maximum exposure, so please
> > forgive me
> > if you've seen it before)
> > Until recently.....this is an excerpt from
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > "HTML graphics-rich email messages get more response than plain text.
> > FloNetwork has the technical sophistication to deliver on that premise.
> >
> > With our Dynamic Personalization application, for example, each
> > email can be
> > <BIG SNIP>
> > What are they talking about? How do they do this?
> Erika,
> Them durned FloNetwork folks is usin' high-falutin' marketing-speak for a
> very common type of email formatting: the multipart-alternative message.
> We use it all the time, and so does Amazon, EggHead, and any other
> big-time html email newsletter you've ever seen. We learned it by just
> examining the headers of newsletters from Amazon, and it's really quite
> simple. The receiving mail client will display the HTML version if it can,
> and the plain-text version if it cannot. Remember: email is one of the
> oldest 'net technologies around, and it's all just plain text (even
> attachments). You can examine the full headers and text of messages quite
> easily with most email clients.
> Here's some CF code that will do it... it expects form imput like you see
> in the cfparam's, and will create a multipart/alternative message if
> you've provided an HTML body for the message in the form...
> ================================================================
> <cfparam name="Form.from" default="">
> <cfparam name="Form.fromalias" default="">
> <cfparam name="Form.subject" default="">
> <cfparam name="Form.plaintextbody" default="">
> <cfparam name="Form.htmlbody" default="">
> <cfquery name="Data" datasource="#DS#" username="#DSUsername#"
> password="#DSPassword#">
> ..... your query here to get the recips firstname, email, etc. ...
> </cfquery>
> <cfif Len(form.htmlbody)>
>         <!--- NO carriage returns in the next two variables --->
>         <CFSET contenttype = "multipart/alternative;
> boundary="""&MIMEBOUNDARY&"""">
>         <CFSET myHeaders = "X-Mailer: ContestClicker Mailer, MIME-Version: 1.0">
>         <!--- MUST have carriage returns in the next two variables --->
>         <CFSET myPlainMsgTop = "--#MIMEboundary#
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> ">
>         <CFSET myHTMLMsgTop = "--#MIMEboundary#
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> ">
> <cfelse>
>         <CFSET MIMEBOUNDARY = "">
>         <CFSET contenttype = "text/plain">
>         <CFSET myHeaders = "X-Mailer: ContestClicker Mailer">
>         <CFSET myPlainMsgTop = "">
>         <CFSET myHTMLMsgTop = "">
> </cfif>
> <cfloop query="Data">
> <!--- Personalize the messages with data from the query --->
> <cfset mySubject = Replace(form.subject,"%firstname%",firstname,"All")>
> <cfset mySubject = Replace(mySubject,"%lastname%",lastname,"All")>
> <cfset myPlainText =
> Replace(form.plaintextbody,"%firstname%",firstname,"All")>
> <cfset myPlainText = Replace(myPlainText,"%lastname%",lastname,"All")>
> <cfset myHTMLText = Replace(form.htmlbody,"%firstname%",firstname,"All")>
> <cfset myHTMLText = Replace(myHTMLText,"%lastname%",lastname,"All")>
> <cfset myHTMLText = Replace(myHTMLText,"%email%",emailaddr,"All")>
> <!--- Send the messages --->
> <CFMAIL To="#emailaddr#"
>                  From='"#Form.FromAlias#" <#form.from#>'
>                  Server=""
>                  Subject="#mySubject#
> Content-type: #contenttype#
> #myHeaders#">#myPlainMsgTop##myPlainText#
> #myHTMLMsgTop##myHTMLText#
> </cfmail>
> </cfloop>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Messsages Sent</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <center>
> <br><br>
> <h2>Done!</h2>
> </body>
> </html>
> ==================================================================
> The carriage returns, especially after the first and second lines of the
> message Subject, are very important... that's how you set custom headers
> (like Content-Type: multipart/alternative, etc.) with the <CFMAIL> tag.
> The MIME-BOUNDARY can be set to just about any string that's unique.
> Hope this helps,
> Ron Allen Hornbaker
> President/CTO
> Humankind Systems, Inc.
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