Give me the url I will test it for you.

At 12:24 PM 4/17/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>Sorry for the OT post on this OT list, but I'm pulling my hair out.
>I built a site for a client in Arkansas.  The whole site is in frames - the
>top frame the navigation for the entire site.  The client claims that about
>5 clicks through an application, she loses the top navigation frame and has
>to back out of the application to find the nav bar.  <sigh>  Of course I
>cannot recreate these happenings on my development machine or my test
>server.  The exact same code/application running on our demo laptop has
>never done this either.
>Any words of wisdom for troubleshooting this a thousand miles away?
>Erika Foster
>engineering-environmental Management
>Applications Developer
>(505) 866-1654
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