Gel, I agree with everything you said except this;

"These children were TAUGHT to shoot a gun by their
parents/relatives in the
case of the Columbine kids.

They were hunters..weren't they?

That is where they learnt to handle guns."

Hunting does teach a person how to handle guns. And, if
it is the same in the States as it is in Canada, every
licensed hunter must go through a training and
licensing program. I suspect it is the same. And, at
least in Canada, the percentage of hunters who commit
violent crimes with their fire-arms is astoundingly
lower than the percentage of non-hunting people who
commit violent acts with fire-arms. I cannot say this
is the same for Americans, but I'd bet a donut (or
muffin) it is.

Being taught how to shoot a gun is not necessarily the
same as being taught to be violent and disrespectful
for human life. No more than learning to use a knife at
the dinner table can be contributed to violent

As an anecdotal evidence; I know how to handle
fire-arms of many kinds yet I do not own any and would
never knowingly take a human life, not even in self
defense or defense of family.

So, Gel, please don't take this is me coming down hard
on you. I think you are a great guy. Please simple take
this as a bit of an education from someone involved in
the hunting community. The rest of your statement is
right on the money! You go Gel!

Guy J. McDowell

"In with the love, out with the jive..."

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