Just my 2 cents. Guns have NOTHING to do with people killing each other. If
guns didn't exist, people would find another weapon - knives, rocks, sticks,
etc. Focusing on gun control is nothing more than a cop out for those to
weak to stand up for personal responsibility and personal accountability.
The problem is not going to be solved by removing guns. People have to
change. Hey but what do we in the US expect? We raise our children to expect
that everything is possible and that nothing is really earned. We teach them
that they have a right to everything. We kill unwanted children by the
hundreds of thousands every year in the name of "the right to choose."  We
have children and dump them off in daycare at 6 or 8 weeks of age teaching
them to fight for attention and much needed nurturing right from day one. We
have families that don't stay together because people don't know what
commitment means. We have parents who are afraid to stand up for anything
and a liberal movement that preaches tolerance no matter the cost.

Tell me? How are children supposed to learn right from wrong? How are they
supposed to learn that character matters? How are they supposed to learn
that there are consequences for choices we make in life? How are they
supposed to learn to value human life? Parents and adults in general need to
get their priorities in order. Its seems the in thing for the thirty
something crowd to spend their evenings socializing in the bars and enjoying
the night life. That's ok but NOT if you have children. What a shame! These
people need to grow up and stop acting like they are in college and still
living the frat boy/sorority girl life. Trouble is, if the parents don't
grow up, how can we expect our children to? What good is a great career if
you raise children who turn out to be of poor character and contribute
little to society? What good is money if you cannot look back on your life
and know that your life made a difference?

Its not up to the government to fix things. Its not up to the school system
to make things right. ITs up to parents taking personal responsibility for
the raising of their children. Teaching them solid values, teaching them to
deal with stress and negative feelings in a positive manner, teaching them
to have goals and a vision for their life. Teaching them that other humans
are precious and valuable.

Deal with the causes! Solve the issues of the heart and there will not be a
market for violent games, disgusting music or other things that that are
often blamed for the ills of society. Teach children values and the teach
them how to think (not parrot back what they hear). Show them that love
means more than felling good all the time. Teach them honesty. Teach them
commitment. Help them develop a vision and a passion for their life. Teach
by the example that your life sets. Telling them won't do any good unless
you practice what you preach.

Why are people defending these hideous games? Its not the games that matter.
I think people are too afraid to take a stand on the real issues. Until they
do, things won't get any better. Based upon the messages in the popular
music and games that parents ALLOW their children to play and the things
that parents allow their children to emulate and revere (dressing like
gangsters, etc), we have not even begun to see the worst of this. Do we want
leaders in this world who don't have the emotional stability and moral
fortitude to stand up for what is right and good - NO MATTER WHAT GROUP THEY
SPEAK TO? At the rate our society is going, we will end up raising a
generation of punks and gangsters that have no regard for human life.
Remember Hitler? Saddaam? The list goes on. Get with it people. Cut the
politically correct bull shit and start believing in , standing up for and
practicing what is right. We wonder where the problem begins? Look in the
mirror and you might find some answers.

Jim Nitterauer

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