There were several different answers to my original question on how to deal
with a field in the database like "Company Name", when you allow the users
to enter it in themselves, rather than choose it from a dropdown. The
problem with this method is when it came time for an administrator to search
for a user based upon the company they work for. If the admin didn't know
the exact company name or even ANY company name, they wouldn't be able to do
a search. Therefore, our search page contains a drop down built by selecting
the distinct Company Name from a table in the database, built from the info
on the form. Unfortunately, there were up to 8 or 9 different ways for
someone to spell their company's name. ARGHS!


I wanted to post a compilation of all the replies, because all of them were
rather really good at solving the problem. Thank you everyone!

So for those of you with similiar issues, here you go:

From: Tobe Goldfinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

when I have situations like this and there seems no other way around the
problem...... what I do is put 2 fields on the record

the first one to hold the company name the way it was entered and a second
one that is initialized to that user-entered data..... but the
administrator has a screen where they can cleanup/fix that second field to
get the values down to a standard way of typing/naming things

this way they can clean up the data as it comes in..... as slowly or as
quickly as they feel like it..... if it's a system where consistency is
seriously important, then I email them whenever a new record arrives so
they're notified to go and see if they want to fix the spelling/typing for
the newest record

and of course your admin dropdown form fields would now use this 2nd
'cleaned-up' field

From: Judith Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Build a drop down of all the existing companies from the user to pick from,
or a field for them to add their company if it's not on the list.

From: Craig S. Kiessling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Another good idea might be to shout out loud
"Siiiiing--Me--A--Sooong--For--Daaddy, Oh, Sing--Me--A--Song..."

(ok, so that's not exactly a solution, but it made you smile right??!)

From: Sandra Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

How bout running an onChange event on the entering of the company name.
Have a hidden frame run a query on the database on say the first 2 or 3
letters entered. Populate a select box on the original page with those
companies with one selection being "Keep current company".  That way you
would only show those companies with the names similar to those the user is
typing in. They can make their own selection and you would have some sort of
integrity check user side.

Of course I would run something on the Admin side as well to make sure that
they could catch whatever falls through the cracks.

From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Unless you've got a table of distinct companies for registrants to choose
from, you've got to solve the problem in the search application.  Using a
drop down list here, when you know there could be multiple spellings of a
company, is probably the wrong approach.  It depends a little on how exact
the search needs to be.  For instance, are you trying adding up $$ amounts
for billing purposes, or do you just want administrators to be able to drill
down to the individual registrations?  If it's the latter, then searching
using wildcard matching should suit your purposes.

From: Bob Silverberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

We had a similar issue with the City field in a database.  We maintain a
City table, and each user record only contains the primary key (an integer
id) to the corresponding record in the City table.  For the user interface
we created a combo-type box, so that a user could either select their City
from the drop-down, or enter a new City in a text box.  If they entered a
new City in the text box, a record is added to the City table.

The administrator then has a module in which they can approve or disapprove
new cities added.  Once they approve the city, it will appear in add
drop-down boxes.  If they don't want to add the city, then they'll change
the pointer in the user table to point to the correct city, and they delete
the new city from the City table.

It's a bit of work, but it works well for the client.

From: Andy Ewings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Yep we had an identical thing where students had to select a school that
they attended in the UK from the complete list of schools (a lot!).  We got
around it asking the user to enter the first three letters of there school -
we then present them with the form with a reduced list of schools
begininning with those three letters.

From: Keith Meade [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

If you don't mind me plugging my own product, cfx_kmSuite contains a couple
of functions that might help.  If you could store your company names in a CF
list, the "cfx_kmList.ListBestMatch" function could be used to resolve user
input to an existing company name.  Another option would be to use the
"cfx_kmMisc.Soundex" function to build soundex values for each company name.
You could compare the soundex of the user input to the stored soundex

cfx_kmSuite adds more than 100 functions to Cold Fusion.   I try hard to
keep my customers happy.  If there's something you want that isn't in the
product, I'll try to add it.

Documentation and purchase info for cfx_kmSuite at:

From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

You could make your search strings more sophisticated, allowing both
wildcards and Boolean operators.  More work for you, since you have to parse
the search string and compose the appropriate SQL WHERE clauses.

For example allowing the following entry for someone searching for "The
White Pharmaceutical Corporation":

(*White Ph*) OR (*White Farm*) OR (*Wite*)

Would match:

The White Pharmaceutical Corporation
Wite Pharm.
The White Co.
White Pharmaceuticals

And probably a few you don't want, which may not be a problem, so long as
you don't take the search results as gospel (as for billing):

Harry J. Witeman Chemicals
R.J. White Drug Company

From: Scott Bartlett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

The easiest approach is probably:

Building a dynamic list based on values already entered so far, with an
"other" text box so people can enter the name manually if it's not already
on the popup list. The first person will *have* to type their company name
(as they're not on the list yet), but others should then get it from the
pop-up. This is probably the easiest way, assuming they remember to look
at the pop-up!!

Alternatively, you could try a bit of psychology (a bit long winded this

Get the users for the same company to add some other kind of field where
they're much more likely to enter the same detail. For example, postcode
is good (for companies with one location!). URL to their main web site is
another. The domain part to their email address is probably best of all.

When a record is entered, search the DB for the first existing record with
the same key detail. Before doing that search, do things like strip
spaces, strip http:// and trailing /'s from URLS, capitalise postcodes or
lowercase URLs, etc etc ...  from the key detail to make it as
standardised as possible, to maximise your search matches. Then set the
new record's company field to be the same as the first record. Thus, all
new records pick up the same name as the first one from that company...

Yes, there's still room for error, but probably a lot less than you've got
at the moment. I think the former approach is the better one (and less

From: Judith Campbell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

What we do on the large sites where we have to manage this is have a
company table with the correct spelling of the name that we build the drop
down from, but if you have too many names for a drop down you might
consider limiting by alphabet..let them enter the first letter of the
company name, then produce a drop down with only companies that start with
that letter.  Or if the companies are of different types - manufacturers,
distributors, etc you might have a select company type, then display the

We never store the company name in the user table - non-normal data form -
we just store the company id.  How often do new companies get added, and is
that a process you can control..i.e. pre-build the table?

Building the company table initially from the data in the user table will
involve human intervention..someone to determine which names are
duplicates, etc.  then you'll need to run a routine that puts the company
id in the user table with the correct id for all the duplicates.  It's an
interesting exercise in data cleaning, but one we've done many, many
times.  I'm glad to offer you whatever help I can.

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