foreign keys....... that would prevent someone from deleting a room or 
teacher who is assigned to a class.....


>From: Paul Ihrig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: grrr.. how do i build it better.
>Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:33:21 -0400
>ok, just venting here.
>i have this app i built for an education portion of our web site.
>i thought i had the db set up nicely.
>if you are a teacher.
>you select your program.
>then you create your class.
>then you go to the calendar section & finalize the class set up by
>selecting the instructor, class times etcetera.
>then you submit it when you are all done to
>send out the firm wide email, setting up class sign ups & iCalendar stuff.
>my recent problem was that the instructor sent out the class sign up.
>then went back into the admin section & changed or deleted the room/id or
>the instructor/id.
>so i get all these emails from users saying there is an error in my app.
>yes i know, trying to figure out the problem why they cant sign up from the
>dynamic url.
>find that the table of the class refers to instructorIDs that no longer
>how do i prevent some one from deleting key info, after a class has been
>sent firm wide?
>makes me look bad.
>i could just remove the delete portion of the admin site.
>only letting my self do that.
>& then giving the instructors/ the ones who set it up
>just edit options, which would maintain data integrity!
>grrr..... i should have thought of that months ago.
>gave the end user to much credit.
>thought they would know not to delete something they needed!
>ok, i am done.
>you can laugh now.
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