
IMHO, well said, Sir Voyager!  I agree with your sentiments about the good
deeds etc. as proven by the toast "To the journey".


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 1:52 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: RE: List Quality and Voyager finale

I can tell you way Janeway doesn't go back to the beginning, before Voyager
was lost in the Delta Quadrant. Because Janeway values friends and family.

If she had prevented Voyager from getting lost, Checktoy(sp?) and his crew
never would have become part of the Voyager crew. The doctor never would
have become a fully realized being. Seven never would have been rescued from
the Borg. Nelix's life never would have been changed for the better.
Countless other good deeds done by Voyager in the DQ never would have been
done.  Janeway had plenty of motivation to pick the one moment on the
Journey when her crew, in its key elements, was complete.

Yeah, time travel is a sticky thing and introduces all kinds of problems,
but on the issue of Janeway's motivation in this case, I don't have a

I thought, overall, the show was very well done. But what about this
time-travel weirdness:

As the Borg Queen noted, if young Janeway is killed, then Voyager never gets
home at all and old Janeway doesn't travel back in time to rescue Voyager
and the Borg Queen doesn't die.  But because Janeway and Voyager got home
early, there is now no need for old Janeway to travel back in time and
rescue Voyager, so, logically, it would seem, the Borg are not destroyed
because old Janeway doesn't travel back in time.

On the other hand, as Samual Taylor Colridge once noted, good fiction only
works through the "willing suspension of disbelief."


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 11:26 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: List Quality and Voyager finale

Why was it a bad ending? Because time travel, by its very nature leads to
bad endings. Why didn't she go back to the time right before the array
kidnapped them? Why not before the array was destroyed? Why not copy the
device and use it once to get to whenever she wanted and then another time
to get them back to fed space at whatever time?
We know that destroying the hub was not her reason for being there, only
using it to get the ship home. And what of the time cops from the 29th
century? Why didn't they stop her? And what of ALL the hanging plot threads?
So the fed has tech from 30 years in the future now? The borg are all
destroyed (no queen)? does voyager now fly past the ruins of the golden gate
bridge? (destroyed in the dominion war by the breen in DS9)
Both the "so what" factor has to be answered and all these plot threads have
to be tied up. Looks like a job for ST writers and more books.
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