To discuss one's spirituality without referring to the basis for
it negates any possibility of supporting one's beliefs. It'd be
like an Islam saying, "Let's talk religion, but we're only going
to refer to the Koran" (It is the Koran right? I'm not sure.)

So the NT (as well as the texts of anyone else's beliefs) have to
be included in a discussion including those that aren't
traditional Jews. I say traditional Jews, because I am a Jew, by
fact of being a Christian as I am a child of Abraham and I
worship the Jewish God, the god of Moses, David and Israel.

"Turning the other cheek" does not mean literally offering ones
self up for further abuse. It means to use passive resistance. If
that means turning tail and leaving, then that's what you do.
There's a scripture about heaping coals on the heads of others,
by showing them love in spite of their hate for you. Man, that
works wonders!

At the same time, Christ does not say, "No violence whatsoever!"
We are encouraged to love violently, to live violently
(passionately), but not to practice physical harm as a method of
conflict resolution. We see that Christ went into the temple and
drove out the money changers with a whip, overturning tables.
Pretty violent act, eh? But did he kill these folks? Of course

I, personally, cannot accept the death penalty or any method of
taking human life. The cost is greater than any financial cost. I
cannot even accept human killing in self defense. Killing for
your country is just downright ridiculous to me, don't even get
me started on that!

Well, that's my two cents.


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