My friends and I have often talked of this over the years, but we always
insist on one thing:  strict intelligence requirements for citizenship.

All the dumb people can get work visas, but they have to live elsewhere..
|Eric A. Laney            |The most delicate component will be dropped.   |
|Systems Engineer         |                                               |
|LAN Optimization Team    |                                               |
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                    Stewart"             To:     CF-Community 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                
                    <gel@carigame        cc:                                           
          >               Subject:     RE: Non-descript titled subject  
                    09:13 AM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         

Now now now..don't go discounting the idea.
Think of it..our own little island..where the Muffins are free, and
all the earlobes are wigglable.

Where every bar is well stocked with Boddingtons and other
beer...everyone has a smile on their face and a ready "HAWOS!"...
and we could have our own language too..or at least with greetings.
We could have "Huwos!" "Hewolses" "Hiyas!" and my favorite excited
greeting," AZZAA POOPZY!"

Everyone would live in a nice house with some decent yard space, and
three days of every year would be carnival. We'd have
several religious public holidays to support the variety of religions
and cultures that would exist on the island.

It has to be an island..nice and small, not too small but not like a
Continent either. So that people would be forced to
interact and integrate and there would be no chance of widescale
segreagation (all the Hispanics living in the east, all the
blacks living in the south, all the caucasions living in the west
etc.)..on a small island you gotta see and talk to and
touch everyone else at some point in time.

Where the odd joke doesn't result in someone coming out swinging,
where people can laugh off heckling and it doesn't start a
fight. Where family is strong and you can go by an uncle, or aunt, or
grandmother to stay when things get tough..where you
know your neighbours and they know you..and you get together and
stuff to hang out and talk.
Where a beach is always less than an hours drive away, and because of
the cultural mix you can find a restaurant selling
Chinese food, and Steak ..or a Rotishop selling you
get a variety of foods from all over the world.
OH! And you get a nice flow of tourists to look at as well, and its
no trouble marrying out of your race, since most of the
people around you after a few generations are mixed up like a good
callaloo anyhow....


wait...aside from the free muffins,and freely wigglable earlobes..I
already LIVE in a place like THAT!


-----Original Message-----
From: Guy McDowell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

The other way to start a country is to accept that you won't be
and just do it as a business venture and consider the taxes you pay
to X
country as your defense budget, not tribute.

I'm rambling now.

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