The way I read the CNN article, the US and the EU both had problems with
the accord, but they chose to go in different directions.  It's the age-old
question regarding legislation:  is it better to have bad laws or none at
|Eric A. Laney                |The closed mouth swallows no flies.        |
|Systems Engineer             |                                           |
|LAN Optimization Team        |                                           |
|Voice: 813.978.4404          |                          - Spanish proverb|
|Pager: 888.985.8519          |                                           |

                    Stewart"             To:     CF-Community 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                               
                    <gel@carigame        cc:                                           
          >               Subject:     Hiyas! :)                        
                    12:26 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         

What is everyone up to. I just finished one of my power lunches in the
office here.
Spaghetti and beef pie,veggie thingys, and sweet and sour chicken.

I estimate about ten minutes again until I cap out here on my desk for
about a half hour or so. ^_^

Have you folks seen that Bush has pulled out of yet another agreement?
First Kyoto and now one that would ban Germ Warfare.

If someone could explain WHY not being a part of a treaty to ban germ
warfare would be a good thing for a country I'd be
interested ^_^. I hear Canadians are worried and buying gas masks now

Hope everyone's day has been going good so far!


*clicks play on WinAMP*

"wake up this morning!
Saw an empty bed where
you was supposed to be

I found a note instead
when I opened it up now
this is what it read.

bye bye baby bye bye
you know I love you and thats no lie
but I found myself another bonafide.
Everything I want he can buu-uuy..

Never wanna cry never wanna shed a tear,
but when I look upon the words there...
I got to say,

Why baby why baby why!
Why you take my sunshine!
You took my sunshine,
and darkness cover my head
and it rains and it rains.."
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