This part is quite ignorant, "Justice spokesman Bryan Sierra said
Wednesday the government has concerns about many people with suspected
terror ties, including al-Marabh, but cannot effectively try them in
court without giving away intelligence sources and methods. "They
successfully prosecuted the terrorists that attempted the first world
trade center bombing. So it's quite possible.One wonders if he will ever
reach Syria alive though. But perhaps that line of thinking is a bit far

Also the Bush Administration isn't stupid. They remind me of a third
world government. Fixing things nicely for themselves and their interest
groups, and making bold moves out in the open for the public to see.
Apparently under the impression that the public is stupid and they can
do whatever they want as long as they have the money to spend on a
strong media campaign.At least that's the way I see it.

It's not stupid at all, it's probably quite smart from a certain point
of view.

I mean..its a democracy. If Americans elected the Bush Administration
then in a way they deserve everything that goes along with him don't
Why was he elected if he was this bad?

Goes back to my point about "as long as they have the money to spend on
a strong media campaign".

But then I'm cynical ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Tangorre, Michael

I am amazed at the blatant stupidity by the Bush administration...

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