A little more on the geek side. And this may be a changing due to the amercanization of the globe.  But there are some serious differences when talking about large numbers.

American            British             power of 10
million             million             10^6
billion             milliard            10^9
trillion            billion             10^12
quadrillion                             10^15
quintillion         trillion            10^18
sextillion                              10^21
septillion          quadrillion         10^24
octillion                               10^27
nonillion           quintillion         10^30
decillion                               10^33
undecillion         sexillion           10^36
duodecillion                            10^39
tredecillion        septillion          10^42
quattuordecillion                       10^45
quindecillion       octillion           10^48
sexdecillion                            10^51
septendecillion     nonillion           10^54
octodecillion                           10^57
novemdecillion      decillion           10^60
vigintillion                            10^63
                    undecillion         10^66
                    duodecillion        10^72
                    tredecillion        10^78
                    quattuordecillion   10^84
                    quindecillion       10^90
                    sexdecillion        10^96
                    septendecillion     10^102
                    octodecillion       10^108
                    novemdecillion      10^114
                    vigintillion        10^120
centillion                              10^303
                    centillion          10^600

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