Tony said:
> speak the eff up ladies and gents, how was it?  did you see
> my thong?  did you see ben @ any bars?  how about anyone else
> from team macromedia?  

For a cf-er it hardly gets much better . . . I live a half hour away so I
commuted, but I think next year I'll take a room so I can catch the after
hours activities . . . damn, I had forgotten about the thong . . . major
disappointment (no, not the thong!) I didn't see anyone from the list
because I couldn't read the bloomin' name tags! The font was SOOOOOOOOO
small! These 51-year-old eyes gave up trying to make them out after nearly
getting slapped a couple of times for staring too hard at the tag on
someone's chest . . . oh, I did see critter all over the place . . . heard
him, too . . . I think we all did . . .

> mike d your still here I presume, no death?  

mikey d was there in usual form, his chipper old self (he took home about a
case of wine, too, for speaking) . . .

> ...was it good?  did you have fun...whats up???

Yes, it was fun and great value for the $$$$$$$$$. Next year's event will
run Thurs thru Sun with repeating sessions. Highly recommend it.

Sandy said:
> My only disappointment was that Erika was ill and never made
> it out of the hotel room.

Ooooooohhhhhhh, so THAT's why I never saw her. Was it that long trip in the
rental car? Bet she was looking forward to the return trip. Shame. We could
have rustled up some good chikin soop and bland muffins for her . . . hope
she's feeling better.

> I got to see Philip Arnold for a while

Missed him too . . . see note about name tags above . . . I'm gonna bombard
Michael with emails about bumping up the font for next year . . .

> Larry you should have stuck around.  They gave away a server
> (had to be present to win) and your name was called.  Since
> you weren't there, someone else got to go home with it.

Yeah, I kind of wondered what she is going to do with it . . . ebay?

Critter said:
> yeah man, i was so bummed about not getting up with Erika as
> well, but it was cool to /finally/ meet philip..

critter, I didn't think you get bummed . . .

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