Here is the Raspberry take. I have to go afk for a while.


On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:40:40 -0600, dana tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But he doesnt hate Americans.
> At least, you can't prove it by Fahrenheit. The soldiers in Iraq and
> in the VA hospital, the New Yorkers on the street,  the kids in Flint,
> the military mother, even the Congress, are all portrayed with
> compassion. None of them are stupid. Or monsters.
> If you really refuse to go see it maybe you could take a look at what
> William Rasberry has to say about it; I thought that was a propos. The
> idea that it is necessary to make a movie to talk about how great
> America is just demonstrates that the people who had it probably
> haven't seen the movie either.
> Reminds me of the fundamentalist Christians on home shooling lists who
> insist that Harry Potter is evil because the kid has a wand.
> Dana
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sam Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:25:02 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: RE: Know Your Enemy
> To: CF-Community <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Jim Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Obviously the issue is his new film, but I would have
> >expected to see
> >critiques of the film and facts it presents.  Rather
> >what you've done is
> >collect the filmmaker's opinions without offering a
> >reason for doing so.
> Since only rabid Bush Haters will see the film and you
> folks only want to discuss it with people that have
> seen it that leaves it a Bush hating discussion.
> So, I started a new thread.
> Of course there is the mention of 100 republicans
> getting free tickets? I wonder how many people
> actually paid to see the film.
> Will the DNC claim these tickets as advertising or is
> it considered soft money spending?
> The reason is the Title: Know Your Enemy
> >I've not seen the movie yet, but I wonder if this is
> >because the film does,
> >actually, tell the truth?  Were there so few
> >criticisms of the work to levy
> >that you had to go after the man?  Is it just to show
> >that the film comes
> >from a certain perspective?  Is there somebody,
> >anybody that thinks this
> >film is in any way a balanced accounting?
> See above.
> >All of these statements are opinions.  None have
> >enough depth to draw any of
> >the conclusions you have (so I would say that the
> >answer to all your
> >questions is "there's not enough information here to
> >answer your question").
> They're his opinions and he hates Americans. How much
> more info do you need?
> -sm
> >Jim Davis
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