> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:12 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Bill Maher calls U.S. cowardly
> You know, when I first read this ... I thought this guy was off
> his rocker.
> Then I read that Susan Songtag wrote a column earlier and said the same
> thing.
> I then over heard a two guys talking today and saying the same thing (and
> one of these guys I know is pretty darn conservative and gung ho).
> There must be a sizable element of the American public that feels
> this way.

I agree. I think they are part of the silent majority. They, like me, watch
this country do things like fire a missle into a soverign country against
international law. They just sit quietly because the think, "well, if I say
anything, someone more conservative than me will point their finger and say,
'you liberal, you don't love your country, how un-American'." And the whole
time I am thinking, wow, what if Russia did that to us, hit an anti-Russian
group in Wyoming or somewhere that had been attacking them? I will grant
that our country would have done something if they asked and presented
evidence. Then what would happen, another Waco? I can hear it now, "Those
damn jack-booted ATF and FBI agents at it again. Going after an anti-Russian
group minding their own business." Talk about people stuck in between a rock
and a hard place.

The point being, what if someone, anyone, attacked a group that was here on
our soverign soil? Like we have done repeatedly in other countries.

> I disagree. I don't think it takes courage to fly a plane load of innocent
> people to their deaths. It takes brain washing by a demented megalomaniac.
> It does take courage to fire a cruise missile at a remote target
> because you
> know you're doing it for the right reasons, but you also know you are
> killing people who probably do not deserve to die.

I wonder if the men on those planes thought the exact same thing. BTW - this
does not mean I agree with what they did OR what we did/do.


> H.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 6:53 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Bill Maher calls U.S. cowardly
> All it took for me was one viewing of this moron and his show and I have
> never watched since. FedEx did the right thing in pulling their ads. We
> can only hope that other companies do the same thing.
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 1:24 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Bill Maher calls U.S. cowardly
> http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/headline/entertainment/1053183
> Talk about insensitive.  I usually enjoy PI (missed this particular
> episode) but holy cow - Bill Maher really made an ass of
> himself...
> Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
> On-Line Data Solutions, Inc. - www.CoolFusion.com
> 631-737-4668 x101
> inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Intelligent Mail Server
> >>> Find out how iMS Stacks up to the competition:
> http://www.coolfusion.com/imssecomparison.cfm
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