Actually the drug companies are selling to Canada at steep discounts, otherwise
the Canadian Pharmacies will not buy them.  Canada tells the Drug companies what
they will pay for the drugs, and that is not necessarily a subsidy.

They sell the same drugs in the US at greatly inflated prices, and those who are
successful buy them in Canada at the "regular" prices.

In order to protect the domestic (US) profit margins, the Republican Government
has declared it is illegal to import these drugs from Canada.   At the same
time, under the Medicare reform Act, the US government is prohibited from
negotiating reduced prices from the drug companies (many of which are not in the
US).  Further the drug companies are threatening the Canadian Pharmacies that
they will cut off their supplies if they continue to export drugs to the US at
normal prices, as opposed to the inflated US prices.  The prohibition is couched
in propaganda suggesting that the drugs purchased in Canadian Pharmacies are
counterfeit, or otherwise not reliable.  Of course this is a Republican Lie (as

My remarks do not apply to the drug and pharmaceutical spam that is flooding
email touting drugs in China and Brazil, etc.  Those are most always just a
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Nick McClure

  OK, so if I understand this correctly, Drug companies in the US sell drugs
  to Canada at their normal rates, then Canada subsidizes the drugs, brings
  the cost down, and the then US Pharmacies buy the drugs back.

  Am I understanding this correctly? Is that what some people are proposing we

  If this is what we are suggesting, wouldn't we completely destroy the
  Canadian economy eventually? US taxpayers using Canadian Tax payers dollars
  to purchase drugs originally made in the US.
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