It was really great although I only caught the last 40 minutes.

Michael Moore and Bill got on their knees and begged Ralph Nader to drop
from the race.   (Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell also made a
very good case for Nader dropping from the race after he used Canada's
multi-party system as an example).

There was a lot of talk about Bush "seven minutes" and a great segment with
Gov Bill Owens on the topic.  The question was asked of Kim Campbell what
she would have done.  I was very impressed with her answer and in general
the way in which she handled herself and made her points.

There was a decent segment about the labels "conservative" and "liberal" and
how the latter has been completely (and generally wrongly) demonized as a
grand insult.

Bill raised the point that, in his opinion, the Republican's planned
convention line up didn't really show the true face of the party and was
generally the more liberal (or at least moderate) members.  During this Bill
Ownes claimed that (he thought) upwards of 35% of republicans were
pro-choice (great if it's true, but I'm not so sure about his numbers).

Lastly, when Nader was on, it was great to see Bill knock him down a tad.
Nader, for example, complained how upset he was that he couldn't get into
the Democratic National Convention, Bill's reply was "Well, I can't get into
the Dodger's locker room because I'm not a Dodger".

Nader was then presented with a framed picture of OJ Simpson to remind him
that "a life time of being a hero could end instantly with one bad choice".

All in all a great, if a little lop-sided, show.

Jim Davis
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