1. Record Setting deficit with tax cuts for the rich - placing the burden on the
middle class for generations.
Government spending continues unabated. For reversing the prior trend of Pay
as you go, to massive debt which will absorb an increasing portion of
productivity as the years go on.
2. His main source of intelligence about Iraq was not what all you are quoting,
but was from the Iraq Ex-patriots who fed him completely false information.
Ex=patriots who were being paid $450,000 per year from the US treasury.
3. For moving the country into an international Bully, instead of a peacemaker
which won former presidents' the Nobel Prize.
4. For putting in place a foreign policy that caters only to the fat cats and to
He** with everyone else.
5. For claiming, still, that there was an Al Q connection in Iraq.
6. For screwing over the seniors on Medicare prescription drug coverage. They
cannot even purchase supplemental coverage, Government is prohibited from
negotiating favorable pricing with drug companies, prohibiting importation of
same drugs from Canada and Mexico where the identical drugs are sold far cheaper
than in the US. [ I am a senior and will get a lifetime drug benefit of
$600.00) and fortunately I am not a cancer patient where the drug costs are over
$600.00 monthly!
7, For wrecking the US economy, some have gotten jobs, here in S. A. the layoffs
continue as MCI laid off a ton of people Friday, continuing a pattern of job
loss for the past three years.
8. For rubbing it in to the ones laid off in the middle west by stating
"American Workers can compete for jobs with anyone!. " + "If they have a level
playing field" (Not exact quote but you get the idea.)
9, For claiming our forces in Iraq are a "coalition" when they are only the
countries who're receiving huge amounts of money from the US treasury, or were
intimidated with the threat of loss of aid.
10, for the loss of allies and respect of major powers around the globe. I laud
the Turks for turning down the offer of the big bucks and refused to let the US
troops land.
11. For not spending at least the same effort in Afghanistan to rid the world
of Al Q, where we do have allies, and spending the big bucks to settle an old
score in Iraq, which score was brought about by the bad policies of the same
people in the current administration that were in the former Bush
12, For forcing Republicans to become mean spirited and willing to be
international bullies, causing ever more divisiveness among the US populace.
13, By installing religious right wing radicals into the science organizations,
has set back medical and scientific research for years to come.
14, For his opposition to Stem Cell Research and allowing the breakthroughs to
come to be on foreign soil, thus losing our traditional leadership position in
Medical Research.
15, For terrorizing the citizens of New York because they found a Laptop
Computer in Pakistan where the player of a computer game entered real building
and targets in his computer game of Sim City or whatever. [ OK OK this is a
little stretch! :-)]
16. Public denying that the Southern Border crossings are under funded, under
manned and are releasing Middle eastern males who are being smuggled into the US
out on the streets even after being rounded up. Thus is continuing to lie and
mislead the public.
17, After creating the DHS, leaving them with merely the duty of repeating the
Microsoft and SANs computer security alerts and sending them out via email, and
telling people how to build and maintain a "survival kit" which includes duct
tape and plastic sheeting.
18, For lying and misleading the public, has done it, continues to do it, an can
be expected to lie even more as time goes on.
19, For misusing the security acts, to obfuscate and hide evidence of
malfeasance and wrongdoing by his and his father's administrations by secreting
the documents and other evidence.
20. Masc. items, The Patriot Act, The prisoner handing, The anti-constitution
Attorney General, and more.
All the above considered, I would vote for Kerry, Hillary, or even Judith
Dinowitz depending on the available choice. (That is a compliment, Judith) :-)
If one wants to talk about Kerry's absences from voting in the Senate, then
compare that with all other Senators who fail to have votes recorded, and also
consider the controversy in Texas where the constitution mandates that the Lt
governor takes over when the Governor is out of the state, but Bush refused to
relinquish control while campaigning for President. He also refused to vacate
his office after he was elected, and prior to his inauguration even though he
was absent from Texas. - This comes out as a wash.
Kerry's stated policy is Pay as You Go, and that gives him a leg up on Bush,
maybe two legs.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Davis
While personally I find the whole "anybody but Bush" argument distasteful I
do think it's valid.
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