I think it's time for a National Driving Test.  I'm always amazed at how
many people ignore double white lines, speed limits, turn signals,
construction/lane closed signs, red lights, etc.  I wonder if people
actually don't know about these things or they just suck in general.

I think a city should create a traffic enforcement group that would be
responsible only for traffic infractions.  Arm them with video cameras, a
helicopter or 2 and whatever else they need.  Increase the fines for
infractions.  I bet it would probably be this most revenue generating
department of the city.

I also heard yesterday that Progressive Auto was starting a pilot program
where you install a black box in your car and it records your driving
habits.  After a few months, you upload it to your personal computer and you
can review it.  You can then upload it to progressive and they will issue
you discounts if you qualify as a safe driver.  Very smart program!

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