I had several flash-based players until fairly recently. I liked them
because I could copy music to them without the need for a jukebox
application - they just show up as a drive. I never had much luck with
jukebox apps so wanted to avoid them.

When iTunes for Windows came out, I gave it a shot, primarily so I
could download from the music store. With the proper settings, I also
discovered it wouldn't screw up my existing music library structure
and had a really nice interface to my music and started to use it as
my music player.

Well, one thing led to another and then I got the iPod mini. My
concern again was the jukebox requirement, but I found that you can
assign iTunes playlists to the iPod and it would keep the iPod in sync
as I updated my playlists. (it also has a mode whereby it selects
which music to copy, in the event that your music library exceeds the
iPod's capacity)

I've been really happy with the iPod mini, seems to be built very well
and doesn't have any "give" like many other modern plastic electronic
devices. (well, the iPod mini is metal, so that explains part of it)

Battery life is pretty good, and there are certainly plenty of
accessories out there made for the iPod and the iPod mini.

Anyway, hope this helps and good luck!


On Wed, 01 Sep 2004 19:42:15 -0400, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've seen these two players. From what I can tell, they both use 2.5" laptop drive drives and are easily upgraded to larger capacities. My only question is with size. DMC has a new DMC 800 player that is smaller than an iPod and will soon have a 40 GB capacity.
> What about usability of the players? That's where Apple still has everyone beat hands down. I want to see how Sony fares in the usability arena.
> >New 80 GB DMC Xclef HD 500 MP3 Player - forget iPods!
> >http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5717547754
> >US $349.00
> >
> >looks good to me
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