Well,  if your not trying to argue, then why bother?  <g>

I don't agree with Bush's spending side.  I don't believe that Kerry will show
more discipline here, however.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Matthew Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  "I agree on fiscal discipline tied to smaller government.  However, I don't
  know how you do that without lowering taxes ahead of spending to starve the
  fire or at least reduce the fuel to it."

  You don't think that's putting the cart before the horse?  You reduce
  spending then you reduce taxes because you don't need that much money
  anymore.  Hold on.. I guess if even if you reduce taxes first then reduce
  spending that's fine too.  But not reduce taxes then increase spending. it
  doesn't come out right on the balance sheets. It does not seem that Mr. Bush
  thinks that spending money the country does not have is much to worry about.
  The politics aside. isn't he approving the expenditure of more money than
  the country has?  This from when the country at least has spending surpluses
  with which it was trying to pay down the national debt?

  I'm not trying to start an argument.

  - Matt Small
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