>Because Mr. Bin Laden wants something we have - Saudi Arabia. Being a
>Muslim, Mr. Bin Laden would like a new government in the country that
>contains the 2 most holy cities in Islam, Mecca and Medina.

I disagree. Bin Laden wants an Islamic empire stretching from Spain to Pakistan and down to Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. That is the stated goal of Al Qaeda. Like any fascist, what Bin Laden ultimately wants is dominion over others.

>Despite all the testosterone laden President-speak, we basically
>tucked tail and ran because, in the end, all we really care about is
>the oil.

That's a bunch of hooey. We didn't turn and run from Saudi Arabia because of pressure from Bin Laden, we left because Crown Prince Abdullah asked us to leave because it was difficult for him from an internal political standpoint to have a continued American presence in the country. We agreed to leave once we made arrangements with Qatar to move our forces there.

BTW, Bin Laden has no chance of leading a revolution in Saudi Arabia, EVER. What so many people rcongize about the situation in Saudi Arabia is that the Saudi government is the entity most interested in stability and security for the oil supply.

Put it this way, if all oil production in Saudi Arabia vanished tomorrow, it would hurt the U.S. economy, and it would hurt the world economy, but both would evenutally recover. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, would cease to exist economically, and they would never recover politically from the blow. They need to sell the oil far more than we need to buy it.
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