At 14:39 10/16/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Just got back into town after a very nice, relaxing week of doing nothing. :-)
>I had dinner with a buddy from college and we got to talking about PCs and
>MACs. Well he works at an Apple store in Syracuse and has just about
>convinced me to go with the new 17" Powerbook from Apple as apposed to the
>DELL laptop I was looking at. Now jumping to a MAC is a huge leap for me
>as I have been against them forever... but after putzing around with my
>buddy's for a couple hours, they blow PCs out of the water not too mention
>they are VERY easy to use. I will keep my PC desktop, but am really
>thinking about the Powerbook...
>anyone have one? care to comment on it?

I use my buddies IBook occasionally and my old roommate had a g4.  I have
to say that I love MACs.  I wanted to a MAC when I was a kid but my uncle,
a programmer for AT&T, convinced my parents that MAC were toys and to get
me a PC.  The Powerbooks are supposed to be top notch machines.  I remember
when they realized the titanium power books for the first time.  I was
working for a digital media house arm of a ad agency at that time and
remember seeing 10 Powerbooks being delivered to the office.  Most of the
graphic design people purchased the powerbooks individually for private use
and everyone got their shipment the first available day.  I have never seen
a group of people "have to get" a product like that.  10 Separate people
ordering a product and having it express delivered.  As a side note, James
Gosling and his team use PowerBooks for their development work.
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