All the software I need to run on it has MAC versions available, except I have not found anything to replace Enterprise Manager for SQL Server.... this is probably the most often used piece of software in my day-to-day activities. Anyone have any suggestions/recommendations on a replacement for Enterprise Manager?


From: Larry C. Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 10/16/2004 5:16 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Back from Vacation!

I have a two year old 14" iBook that I've been impressed with. I've
been even able to get CFMX 6.1 dev version running on it.


On Sat, 16 Oct 2004 14:39:40 -0400, Tangorre, Michael
> Just got back into town after a very nice, relaxing week of doing nothing. :-)
> I had dinner with a buddy from college and we got to talking about PCs and MACs. Well he works at an Apple store in Syracuse and has just about convinced me to go with the new 17" Powerbook from Apple as apposed to the DELL laptop I was looking at. Now jumping to a MAC is a huge leap for me as I have been against them forever... but after putzing around with my buddy's for a couple hours, they blow PCs out of the water not too mention they are VERY easy to use. I will keep my PC desktop, but am really thinking about the Powerbook...
> anyone have one? care to comment on it?
> Thanks!
> Mike
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