PIty. I was looking forward to buying you and Phil a couple of  Hurricanes.

Regardless congrats on the house.


On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:32:08 -0400, Erika L. Walker-Arnold
> Got your attention there eh?! ;)
> No - MAX is still on as far as I know ... It's just we shall not be
> attending. Not that anyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for us
> :D ... But I did think I should let my fellow muffin bearers know for
> sure.
> We are in the process of buying a house. As a matter of fact, our offer
> was accepted today!
> Of course that means closing is the end of October which means there is
> no way we can do MAX and close on a house. Besides physically
> impossible, it's fiscally improbable.
> So I do hope all you MAX goers have a blast. It's too bad as well, as we
> are within driving distance - but trust me - it's all for a better cause
> on our end, so wish us luck! :D
> Woohoo!!!!!!
> Cheers,
> Erika
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