In case you can't tell, I don't like Carter:)

Here are some snippets:

Carter’s biographer and analyst: "The intifada exposed
the injustice Palestinians suffered, just like Bull
Connor’s mad dogs in Birmingham."

At their first meeting — in 1990 — Carter boasted of
his toughness toward Israel, assuring Arafat at one
point, ". . . you should not be concerned that I am
biased. I am much more harsh with the Israelis."

When Saddam Hussein invaded and raped Kuwait, Mary
King cabled her boss, Carter: "Saddam learned from the
Israelis that might makes right — they took most of
Palestine by force and 20 years later occupied the
West Bank and Gaza." That’s the Carter mindset: no
thought to the wars of attempted annihilation waged
against Israel, which made such occupation thinkable
or necessary

The Carter wrote this speach for Arafat:
A good opening would be to outline the key points of
the Save the Children report. . . . Then ask: "What
would you do, if these were your children and
grandchildren? As the Palestinian leader, I share the
responsibility for them. Our response has been to urge
peace talks, but the Israeli leaders have refused, and
our children continue to suffer. Our people, who face
Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones
remaining when our homes are destroyed by the Israeli
bulldozers." . . . Then repeat: "What would you do, if
these were your children and grandchildren?" . . .
This exact litany should be repeated with a few other
personal examples.

He did even better in North Korea, singing praises to
Kim Il Sung, one of the most complete and destructive
dictators in history. Kim’s North Korea, as
Kirkpatrick says, was, and is, truly a "psychotic
state." Said Carter of the "Great Leader," "I find him
to be vigorous, intelligent, surprisingly well
informed about the technical issues, and in charge of
the decisions about this country" (well, he was
absolute ruler). He said, "I don’t see that they [the
North Koreans] are an outlaw nation." Pyongyang, he
observed, was a "bustling city," where shoppers "pack
the department stores," reminding him of the "Wal-Mart
in Americus, Georgia." Carter also employed his
longstanding technique of praising the beauty of a
dictator’s wife. Kim Jon Ae, he noted, "is a very
attractive lady."

--- Bill Wheatley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Poor Jimmy Carter. 

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