Hmm.  Surprised to hear that you've heard good things about UoP's reputation. 

I've heard nothing but negative here.  Even heard that in ASU's
Master's program, a majority of their dropouts got their grad degree
from UoP (and couldn't handle a 'real' school).

I remember at UoP we had one teacher who actually had tests.  The two
girls (previously mentioned) were up in arms, because, according to
UoP, there weren't supposed to be any tests (I kid you not).

We had an Oracle course...bear in mind these are 5 week
courses...meeting once a week.  Took up to week 3 before we all had
Oracle successfully installed.  Wouldn't have been so bad if the class
was "How to Install Oracle in 3 Weeks"...but that wasn't quite the

I -am- glad to hear that a UoP degree isn't considered worthless
universally.  But here (in Phoenix), everyone I've spoken to has said
the same thing...diploma mill.

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:38:04 -0700, Ken Ketsdever
> I've looked into my getting my masters via a non-traditional school.  All the 
> feedback I've recieved has pointed to getting it via University of Phoneix.  Friends 
> in HR say they consider Phoenix the best and rank Phoenix graduates higher than 
> those from other non-traditional schools.  A good friend who has held VP positions 
> with University of New Hampshire and Arizona State has his Masters from University 
> of Phoenix and speaks very highly of it.
> All that being said,  I've attended a few classes towards my MBA at Phoenix and have 
> been somewhat disappointed.  After turning in a couple of what I would consider 
> sub-par papers ( I was busy and did just enough to call it a completed assignment, C 
> level work) and getting rave reviews of them I opted to turn in the same paper for 
> the next two assignments.  This paper didn't even match the requirments of the 
> assignment.  I recieved  A's on both assignments with rave reviews.  The instructor 
> wasn't even reading what I was turning in, he just gave me an A and made some remark 
> about how great it was.  Needless to say I was highly disppointed, especially this 
> was a highly regarded instructor who worked fulltime for Phoenix.
> I am now debating attending an online program through a well known university vs. 
> attending a non-traditional school like Phoenix, National ...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charlie Griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:17 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Online Universities
> I went to Univ of Phoenix for my bachelor's (not online...B&M).
> Towards the end, we did have one class that was online.  I was looking
> forward to it for the obvious reasons (no commute...learnin' in my
> jammies, etc).
> I was really disappointed in it.  Found that without a live class
> around me, it was harder to focus and concentrate on what I needed to
> do.  The lack of 'real' interaction with others was a big hinderance
> (to me, at least).
> I agree about getting out of the school what you put into it.
> University of Phoenix is really a diploma mill.  In my first class
> there were these two girls....I have no idea why they were there.
> Knew nothing of I.T., and seemed to just want to laugh and screw
> around.  Figured they'd be gone halfway thru.  Well, they were in my
> final class as well.
> Not even just them...but others in the was evident that you
> had to work really really really hard to not pass.  REALLY hard.
> It does bother me that the concensus seems to be that my degree came
> from a school that's not known for its quality of education.  Could
> that bite me in the ass?  I suppose.  But the fact of the matter is
> that I -do- have a degree, which I didn't before.  And I did learn
> quite a bit, because I chose to.
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 18:05:23 -0400, Michael T. Tangorre
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How do you feel about online degree programs such as those at Strayer
> > University, Phoenix Online, and the numerous better known universities
> > beginning to offer degree programs online? The reason I ask is that I went
> > to Alfred University for my undergraduate degree (Computer Science) and
> > decided to take a shot at Strayer University for my masters program. After
> > comparing the programs at local DC Metro schools (George Washington, George
> > Mason, University of Maryland, and Loyola) I realized a few things:
> >
> > 1. The programs at the better known schools offered very similar classes
> > that comprised their degree programs as compared to Strayer's Computer
> > Information Systems program.
> >
> > 2. The ability to do everything online and not have to travel to campus, etc
> > was a great benefit allowing me more time to pursue other interests.
> >
> > 3. Having hefty student loan debt as is, I could not justify spending 2 or 3
> > times what it would cost to attend a better "name" school just for the name.
> >
> > A co-worker, without realizing I went there, made a somewhat rude comment
> > about Strayer without even knowing about it other than it is not MIT or RIT
> > or UMD or etc, etc. She went on to comment on past Strayer graduates she has
> > interviewed who were "dumb" or not as educated as others... Blah blah...
> >
> > My take is that you get from school the what you put into it, but now I am
> > thinking that the Masters degree might not carry any weight even though the
> > classes and work are very tough and definitely graduate level.
> >
> > Anyone have some thoughts on Strayer, or online degrees in general?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Mike
> >
> >

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