Personally, i fI lived in teh greater DC area I'd start looking at canada.  I 
think its far enough up wind and they have pelnty of flu vaccination too. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 11:31 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Voter Fraud? Why are the exit polls so wrong in Florida?

Born: Augsburg Germany
From: Baltimore, Maryland
Living: A small hicktown in Maryland

sorry if im a bit blunt when it comes to this, but living downwind
from DC im VERY VERY terrified of what might happen to me and my
family if someone who bush has pissed off with his cavalier renegade,
world police attitude decides to wreak havoc on our eastern seaboard.

thats why i dont like the motherfucker.  and i wish the rest of the
USA bibles and .22's in hand would get the same picture as us over
here near ground fucking zero #2

tango, can i get an amen?


On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 14:06:36 -0500, Nick McClure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But people don't want to vote for the guy who is supported by the guy that
> just called them a moron.
> But anyway, thanks for calling me and my family blind morons.
> I really think you need to blame Kerry and the democratic party, they lack a
> coherent message. When something like 33% of your group thinks Iraq is a
> major part of the war on terror and coming out and openly alienating that
> group of people in your speeches and your votes.
> There are a lot of southerners and Midwesterners in the army, and I think
> that vote against the funding really hurt Kerry, it didn't matter why, in
> the end he voted not to give my son/daughter/cousin/father/mother/uncle body
> armor and other needed items. You saying to me that because of semantics you
> don't want my friend to have the body armor he needs.
> Its little things like that that cost him the election. It doesn't matter
> what he really thinks. But voting against funding for a war that is already
> in progress is not something that will gain you points in the south.
> Maybe we is simple people 'round here. But we seem to be doin' just fine.
> Btw, Tony, where are you from, or at least living now?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Weeg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 1:18 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: Re: Voter Fraud? Why are the exit polls so wrong in Florida?
> thats cool cause im not running for anything :)
> it was merely a venting my disgust at the current
> state of affairs in our nation.  to think that soooo many
> people can be sooo blinded by the misgivings of such
> a publicly moronic person and actually buy into it
> based on some religious reasoning because
> he is a man of faith?
> im not sure what god is his, but it isnt mine.
> a wise man once said...
> Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause
> and reflect.
> - Mark Twain

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