Sam wrote:
> Bin Laden said something like: "I'll attack states
> that support Bush."

1.) As much as you'd like to think that Mr. Bush is a burly super hero
that makes villains quake in their boots and shoots frickin' laser
beams from his eyes, real life is not a comic book.  This is what Bin
Laden said:

"In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the
hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No.  Your security is in your
own hands. And every state that doesn't play with our security has
automatically guaranteed its own security."

There has been speculation that by "states" he meant "individual
States of the United States" and further was referring to the
election.  Every friend I know that speaks Arabic doesn't think that's
the case and no commentators I've listened to have even suggested it
(NewsHour with Jim Lehrer).

The quote above was taken from the al Jazeera transcript - note that
even they did not capitalize "states" meaning their translators view
the term as a generic reference to geopolitical divisions.

By continuing to mischaracterize world events you're either hopped up
on goofballs or a fear monger.  If want to continue to push low
probability theories at least preface them with "some have suggested
he said ..."

2.) You and I were having this discussion and I mentioned that, if you
were right, New York was safe.  Others started chiming in that they
were safe too.  I said that the South wasn't and someone joked, "who
cares."  It was a joke!

If you can't joke about Bin Laden then your his victim.

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