There was a journalist named Hannah (?) Arendt who covered the
Nuremburg trials and coined the phrase "banality of evil." I have
forgotten the name of the man whose trial she covered, but he was
essentially a bureaucrat who did the paperwork to keep the
concentration camps in supplies. But he knew what was happening there
and he was a participant. Apparently he went to his death never quite
understanding what he had done wrong

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 16:43:02 -0500, Larry C. Lyons
> First off I am not invoking the Hitler rule here.
> A few years ago there was a very interesting book called "Hitler's
> Willing Executioners." The author, a historian, examined why
> relatively ordinary people in Germany not only allowed but willingly
> participated in the concentration camp system. What I found striking
> was that many of them could have been our neighbours and friends. I
> think a similar set of circumstances was at work with most of the
> people who supported the Ba'athist regime.
> You want a job, or to get a better job within the Oil Ministry, or the
> Ministry of Education etc, then you became a member of the Party, and
> a willing and vocal supporter of Saddam. In a lot of cases many Iraqis
> had little or no choice.
> If its a choice between starving and letting our kids starve, and
> kissing Saddam's ass, I think most of us would be have done the same -
> pucker up and go to it. One of the most difficult jobs whomever takes
> over the governement in Iraq after the elections is going to have that
> problem sorting through those who did whatever to survive and those
> who were willing and enthusiastic participants.
> larry
> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:23:40 -0500, Jerry Johnson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > First thing to remember about Fallujah. It was/is a center of the Bathist 
> > party, wasn't it?
> > I don't have a better solution than to excluded them, since many are the 
> > scum of the earth as proven by their participation in Hussein's regime, but 
> > we should expect a little resistance from those completely locked out of 
> > the plans for the future.
> >
> > Jerry
> >

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