well lets see, for most the family supports are not there in any way
like 60 years ago. The media has been filled with shows that
encourages and glorifies violence and anti-social behavior, and kids
watch over 60 hours per week of it on the average. On top of that we
have governments at the municipal, state and federal levels that have
been steadily cutting back on meaningful and empirically based
programs for family support and support for children and teens for
years, then substituting slogans and ideology in their place. And you
think that things aren't turning to shit? Hold on, its only going to
get a lot worse.


On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 10:34:42 -0500, John Stanley
> >>As well as his parents.
> yeah, i agree. too many parents with too many freakin brats. is it just me
> or is the world turning to shit at an alarming rate?
> ill never forget when I saw the Cops episode and they were arresting this
> huge guy, like 6-5 300+ pounds. he started to resist, and they tasered him.
> he dropped immediately and gave up. you could tell it would have taken like
> 5 cops to restrain him with injuries all around I'm sure.

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