I thought the republican party stood for states rights and small government.
So why is it that the "republican" administration is going after medical
marijuana users in states that have legalized it.  NPR is reporting that the
supreme court is hearing a case against a woman in California who has tumors
in her head and several other maladies.  The marijuana has enabled here to
gain weight back, tolerate the pain and get out of her wheelchair.  Now why
does the administration feel that it has the responsibility to reverse the
California people's decision to make medical marijuana legal, and the
medical expertise to say there are better drugs than this for her condition.
Given marijuana versus some of the other drugs the FDA has approved, I think
I'd take my chances with marijuana.



BTW, Robert Munn, I don't know how this administration can possible jibe
with your being a "Republican, the Libertarian kind"  :-)










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