Wait - how can it NOT be a deterrent?  There are people that cut me off at 
the traffic circle on my way home every day, I have some enemies, but I 
certainly won't kill them.  Why?  Cause I don't want to spend my life in a 
cell or die from Lethal Injection.

Side note: I probably couldn't kill anyone anyways, no matter how much I 
hate them.  I'd rather just smoke a doobie and chill my emotions out.  I am 
just trying to explain that without fear of repercussion, people would be 
free to do what they want.

So, I think that the death penalty does deter violent crime.  Maybe some 
don't think things through (think crimes of passion here) before committing 
them, but for the most part, it works.

At 01:50 PM 12/14/2004, you wrote:
>I'm pretty blase on the whole death penalty dispute. I think it's painfully
>obvious that its NOT a deterrant, so that argument is ridiculous. Eye for an
>eye? Yeah, I have no problem with people getting what they have coming to
>So without weighing in at all on whether the death penality is good or not,
>the jury's responsibility is to take the guidelines that the law has layed
>down as to what consitutes a "punishable by death" offense, and then
>determine to best of their ability whether this crime met that criteria. If
>remorse is a criteria, consider it....if it's not, don't.
> >> Brian Wrote:
> >> But they are separate, aren't they???
> >>
> >
> > I think you're right about that.  Which convinces more that the death
> > penalty isn't warranted in this case.  Although I think that's just
> > the jury's recommendation and now it's up to the judge.
> >
> > Still, if the system effectively forces you into putting a guy to
> > death with only circumstantial evidence, I'm uncomfortable with that.
> >

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