Well, i agree with you to a point.  To those people that fit any or all of 
the three criteria you presented, the penalty, whatever it is, is not a 
deterrent.  IMO, those people don't deserve a place in a civilized 
society.  BUT - for the rest of us, we think about the results of our 
actions.  Therefore, any penalty, even a fine for speeding, is a deterrent.

For most of us, a structured penalty system keeps us in check.  The death 
penalty is an extreme case, but it still is a deterrent nonetheless.  The 
people who ignore the deterrents are the ones that have no place in 
society.  They should be locked up.

And, while we are at it, I also think that rape should be a punishable by 
death offense.  They have effectively ruined the entire life of a (usually) 
young woman.  She will never be the same.  Why should that sicko be allowed 
back on the streets?  Disagree?  Now think if that was your wife or 
daughter or even a close friend.  Do you still disagree?

Sorry, got off on a tangent there.  Rape is one of those things that really 
fires me up.


At 02:16 PM 12/14/2004, you wrote:
>I completely disagree.
>Unless I'm mistaken, there is only one offense in the US that is punishable
>by death, murder in the first degree. First degree murder requires
>Now, you are telling me that someone who has pre-meditated on a murder,
>knowing full well that if he's caught, he's spending the rest of his life in
>prison, would be more apt to rethink his action if, instead of being in
>prison for the rest of their life, they will be in prison for about 15 or 20
>years....then be killed quietly?
>Anyone who's pre-meiditated, then carried out, a murder, is either:
>1) Convinced they won't get caught
>2) Irrational at the moment - so called crimes of passion - and not
>considering ANY consequences
>3) Decided that whatever consequences they might face would be worth the
>action anyway.
>In none of these instances do I see death penalty vs. life in prison
>mattering one iota.
> > Wait - how can it NOT be a deterrent?  There are people that cut me off at
> > the traffic circle on my way home every day, I have some enemies, but I
> > certainly won't kill them.  Why?  Cause I don't want to spend my life in a
> > cell or die from Lethal Injection.
> >
> > Side note: I probably couldn't kill anyone anyways, no matter how much I
> > hate them.  I'd rather just smoke a doobie and chill my emotions out.  I
> > am
> > just trying to explain that without fear of repercussion, people would be
> > free to do what they want.
> >
> > So, I think that the death penalty does deter violent crime.  Maybe some
> > don't think things through (think crimes of passion here) before
> > committing
> > them, but for the most part, it works.
> >
> >

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