LOL Won.

Sorry, I don't have any pictures, but this tool makes life much easier:

Just keep a spare keyboard handy to remember where the hell the keys go, 
unless you are one of those uppity 'no looker' typists who know where every 
key is!

That would be a fun game, though.  It could be like that state placement 
puzzle that got passed around a few weeks ago, except for keyboard 
keys.  No cheating though!

Back to my 'hunting and pecking'...

At 04:43 PM 12/14/2004, you wrote:
>Ray Champagne wrote:
> > This thread prompted me to remove all the keys from my keyboard and clean
> > it out.  There were crumbs in there from meals I ate when I first started
> > here four years ago.  Gross!
> >
> > I think that there should be a Dept of Health law that says you are not
> > allowed to inherit a keyboard when you start a new job.  To me, (I am a
> > bacteriaphobe) that is like wearing secondhand underwear.  Think of all 
> the
> > germs on a keyboard.  Festering pile of bacteria-laden plastic, I say.
> >
> > I recently had to clean off a co-worker's desk, since she left one day and
> > never came back.  She had snot-rags stuffed under her keyboard.  I just
> > threw the whole thing away.  And we wonder why offices have flu 
> epidemics....
> >
> > Ray
>Is there directions with pictures online on how to clean a keyboard?
>2004 - The year $184M couldn't buy a pennant.
>Ron Artest: Extremely flawed, very accidental, semi-martyr

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