> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:43 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: "Return of the King" Extended Edition

[I tried to reply to this with the web interface, but it bombed out... so
here it is.  But if Mike fixes it and you see this twice - you know why!]

>It must be said that all fans have there gripes about bits that were 
>missed out from the books, and I have 2 that I wish had been included.
>1) Tom Bombadil is a superb caracter and could have been an amusing 

I sorta missed him... but could easily see why he would be cut (it was such
a clearly distinct side-story).

>2) The end of Return Of The King was missing a good 30-60 minutes of 
>story about Saruman and the shire.

If you've watched the extended edition then you know how they handled this
in the film.

But I was dissappointed that he didn't include this (although I can see why
since I can't think of anything else in the movie I'd see cut and it's
already over four hours).

But these scenes really displayed the counter balance for me.  After over a
year of truly EPIC battles and risks, the hobbits return home to become
local hero's for running out a washed up wizard and his toady.  I loved the
contrast present.

But this is also one of the more controversial parts of the book - everybody
has their opinion on whether the Shire should have been left blissfully
unaware (and I guess we know where Jackson stands on that argument).

But I do wish there was was some reconcilation at the end to let us know how
Merry and Pippin are doing.  We know how Sam is doing, but they don't even
mention in passing how Merry and Pippin are getting on.  (Just an off-handed
comment like "Killed an wolves lately?", "Well, you know a sheriff's job is
never done.")

>What bits do you wish had been included?

In general I missed the little things (from all the movies):

1) Gimli accepting his gift from Galadrielle.

2) Sam fretting over Bill the pony (there was some of that, but not nearly
enough I thought).

3) Sam looking into the mirror (especially when he's asked if he'll leave
Frodo to return to the shire).

I was also just slightly (ever so slightly) annoyed that they made Gimli not
only the comic foil, but the butt of all the jokes.  The scene on the river
bank in the extended edition mollified me on that score tho' (I laughed out

Jim Davisfm/54

Special thanks to the CF Community Suite Silver Sponsor - New Atlanta

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