Ah. Mainly I am grazing, and considering a certification in something.
The classes I just survived despite it all were finance, hardware, SQL
Server and Fireworks. An eclectic bunch, I know.

I am registered as an animation major but Intro to Animation drove me
absolutely crazy so that's on hold until I find out if it's the
teacher or the class. When I feel like doing some serious work I'll
probably do a self-designed program over at UNM. I like the cognitive
science program at Johns Hopkins but have no desire to see any more of
Baltimore than I already have. Fortunately UNM will allow you to
design your own program as long as you jump through enough hoops.

Meanwhile, computer classes are free at the local community college,
so...just adding/improving some skills. Like I really *need* any more
lower-level electives, hehe.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:56:42 -0500, Harkins, Patrick
> Oh, no I was asking about the academic work.
> Btw, for translation I have downloaded all the MS localization files in Excel 
> format. They aren't always dead-on but they are good for finding tech words 
> quickly. Just search the English column for the word and then look in the 
> French column for their choice of translation.
> -Patrick
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Dana
> >
> >
> >you talking about the translation? Whether "obligatoire" = "required"
> >as in required field.
> >
> >Dana
> Outbound email scanned for viruses. (e232)

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