Today, for the first time ever, I live in a country I no longer want to call home.  
For the first time, I am ashamed to call
myself an Australian.  I am ashamed to look people in the eye and know that greater 
than half of them were sucked in by evil,
untruthful, obfuscating political rhetoric spewed forth from the maw of a nasty little 
man we have to call Prime Minister.

Yesterday, this man, John Howard, was re-elected to the top political job in the 
nation on the back of a policy platform that
returns Australia to the 1950's.  This policy platform includes a patently racist 
agenda purposely designed to appeal to the
xenophobic lowest common denominator in Australian society (using our Navy to turn 
away boatloads of asylum seekers and farming
them off to smaller Pacific nations for processing when our asylum seeker intake is 
miniscule in relation to comparable nations
worldwide), it includes a tax regime that cripples small business by making the 
running of those businesses infinitely more
difficult.  His platform is anti-women (taxes on sanitary products and a refusal to 
consider appropriate maternity leave
entitlements) and anti-environment (the Australian government refuses to sign the 
Kyoto Agreement).

If I could renounce my citizenship now and live and work somewhere else I would.  
Anybody interested in an experienced (10
years) IT consultant with extensive government and corporate projects in developer, 
lead developer and project manager roles?
I'll live and work ANYWHERE EXCEPT AUSTRALIA (and I'm NOT joking).

Today is a dark, dark day in Australia's history.


Stephen Collins, Technical Consultant - ACIS (Australia)
Allaire Certified ColdFusion 5 Developer

 ICQ UIN : 56321783                       Yahoo! : trib

  "Before I got into triathlon, I was a normal person."
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