
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Community" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 5:27 PM
Subject: Ashamed

> Today, for the first time ever, I live in a country I no longer want to
call home.  For the first time, I am ashamed to call
> myself an Australian.  I am ashamed to look people in the eye and know
that greater than half of them were sucked in by evil,
> untruthful, obfuscating political rhetoric spewed forth from the maw of a
nasty little man we have to call Prime Minister.
> Yesterday, this man, John Howard, was re-elected to the top political job
in the nation on the back of a policy platform that
> returns Australia to the 1950's.  This policy platform includes a patently
racist agenda purposely designed to appeal to the
> xenophobic lowest common denominator in Australian society (using our Navy
to turn away boatloads of asylum seekers and farming
> them off to smaller Pacific nations for processing when our asylum seeker
intake is miniscule in relation to comparable nations
> worldwide), it includes a tax regime that cripples small business by
making the running of those businesses infinitely more
> difficult.  His platform is anti-women (taxes on sanitary products and a
refusal to consider appropriate maternity leave
> entitlements) and anti-environment (the Australian government refuses to
sign the Kyoto Agreement).
> If I could renounce my citizenship now and live and work somewhere else I
would.  Anybody interested in an experienced (10
> years) IT consultant with extensive government and corporate projects in
developer, lead developer and project manager roles?
> I'll live and work ANYWHERE EXCEPT AUSTRALIA (and I'm NOT joking).
> Today is a dark, dark day in Australia's history.
> Steve
> ========================================================
> Stephen Collins, Technical Consultant - ACIS (Australia)
> Allaire Certified ColdFusion 5 Developer
>  ICQ UIN : 56321783                       Yahoo! : trib
>   "Before I got into triathlon, I was a normal person."
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